Diamond Ladies Lunch at Bivacco

Kicking off on 12 August, enjoy 3-courses of Bivacco's best dishes, a glass of wine and entry into weekly prize draws for a modest $45pp.

An accessibility  review of Soul Bar

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An accessibility  review of Soul Bar

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Latifa’s picks

arted he didn't stop. He travelled and cooked his way around the world from a Michelin-star hotel to a garage with six tables and a kitchen

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Event information

They say diamonds are forever, but this special lunch is only available for a limited time. Get your group together and book Bivacco's Diamond Ladies Lunch for your chance to win a striking sparkler from Partridge Jewellers, valued at $8,600.

Kicking off on the 12th of August, the modest $45 lunch includes a glass of Cloudy Bay Pelorus and 3-courses of Bivacco's most indulgent dishes. Plus, each time you dine, you'll go into the draw to win weekly prizes from Caitlin Crisp, Elle & Riley Cashmere, My Beauty Room, Cloudy Bay, and of course the big diamond.

Run don't walk, click here to book the Diamond Ladies Lunch at Bivacco.

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